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Professional courses for companies
The best subsidized professional courses for companies and freelancers
Personalized training
Professional courses tailored for your company
We bet on the face-to-face!
On-site courses at our facilities or in virtual classroom mode.
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Subsidized training management

I facilitate the procedures for the management of their professional courses, both for trainers and for companies that require it.


Organization of professional courses

Ofrezco formación a medida para empresas y autónomos, además de los obligatorios para cierto tipo de empresas.


Alternation training contract

The best current contract on the market for companies with a 100% reduction in Social Security contributions.

Who I am?

Ana dengra

Hello! My name is Ana Dengra Asensio, I was born in Huéscar (Granada) although I currently reside in Yecla, where I have been for more than twenty years. I have two children and I am passionate about training.

Years of experience
0 +

ABOUT dengra formación

I help companies and trainers

I dedicate myself to organizing and managing professional courses, dedicated to different sectors with the purpose of facilitating all procedures for the company and adapting the training they need according to their needs. I also manage the bonus of the courses both to companies and to the trainers themselves, offering them assistance with the procedures and the necessary documentation in order to facilitate the bureaucratic process, always with maximum security and responding to the institutions, since there are more and more regulators .

On the other hand, I also offer companies the best contract that they can currently find on the market, since it has multiple advantages, this is: The alternating training contract.

To be a reference at the national level to facilitate bureaucratic procedures for the bonus and delivery of personalized courses.

I always ensure that neither trainers nor companies have to know the procedures for managing their courses in order to add value to their training services by offering the possibility of subsidizing them and making them cheaper for companies.


Training adapted to the needs of each company with professional and technical courses

Office 365


ERP performance

Business Innovation

Advanced office automation

Upcoming Courses

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Curso Carretillero


Impartimos un nuevo curso CARRETILLERO 👷. Si tienes trabajadores nuevos que no disponen del certificado o vienes por libre y quieres añadir este valor a tu currículum, ahora es el momento.
Puede ser tanto por libre como por bonificado a través de FUNDAE

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Curso Canva

Curso de Canva

Curso presencial y online en directo de la aplicación gratuita Canva, que te provee cientos de plantillas para que puedas crear tus formatos sin la necesidad de tener conocimientos en el área.

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Who already collaborate with Dengra Formation...

Formador Rafa Molina

Rafa Molina


Formador Fabian Villena

Fabián Villena


Formadora Lorena Gil

Lorena Gil


Formadora Rosa Cladera

Rosa Cladera



What students and trainers say about us...

"Son grandes profesionales que ofrecen oportunidades de mejora en cuanto a formación a empresas y particulares, con un amplio abanico de cursos. Gracias por ayudarnos a ser mejores."

Formador Rafa Molina
Rafa Molina Formador

"Muy profesionales y buen trato, de los mejores sitios para hacer cursos."

Jose Alumno

"Es un placer colaborar con grandes profesionales y personas como lo son en Dengra Formación. Un lujazo compartir proyectos con ellos!!"

Formador Fabian Villena
Fabián Villena Formador

"Lo más importante de una empresa es su capital, su capital humano, enhorabuena por el excelente trabajo que realizáis."

Alumno Gines Basilio
Gines Basilio Alumno

"El mejor curso y el trató espectacular."

Dumitru Alexandru Alumno
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I am at your service!

Call us, write us or visit us to resolve any questions you have about a professional course or any additional service.


C/ San Luis Nº2 Bajo,
30510 Yecla (Murcia)


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